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Laboratory testing of BioBlock nasal spray, which contains coronavirus antibodies, has demonstrated the product’s effectiveness in also blocking the delta variant currently spreading in Estonia. Tests have proven that BioBlock offers protection not only against the original Wuhan variant of the virus, but also against the delta and kappa variants of Indian origin and the British, South African and Brazilian variants.

“So far our laboratory tests have shown that BioBlock works effectively against all of the coronavirus variants the World Health Organisation is most concerned by, including the delta variant that’s currently spreading in Estonia,” explained Mart Ustav Jnr, the head of research at Icosagen. “We’re keeping a close eye on changes in the virus and doing preventive testing of BioBlock’s ability to neutralise variants that aren’t yet widespread.”

Dr Ruth Oltjer, the director of Chemi-Pharm, says that BioBlock is a textbook example of research-based product development. “Albeit born from a need to get the better of a global pandemic,” she remarked. “With the infection rate on the rise again, the best way of protecting yourself is by doing four things: vaccinating, wearing a mask, disinfecting your hands and using BioBlock.”

Approval for the production and sale of BioBlock came from the Health Board, taking into account the views of an expert working group on borderline products comprising specialists from the Agency of Medicines, the Agriculture and Food Board, the Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority and the Health Board itself. In legal terms, BioBlock is neither a medicinal product nor a medical device, but its product and packaging information was coordinated with both the Agency of Medicines and the Health Board.

The concept for this innovative Estonian product was developed by researchers from Icosagen, led by Professor Mart Ustav. The consortium established for the development and marketing of BioBlock consists of researchers and specialists from Chemi-Pharm, Icosagen, the University of Tartu, the Estonian University of Life Sciences and OÜ Teadus ja Tegu. The technology behind the product has been patented. BioBlock nasal spray is manufactured and marketed by Chemi-Pharm.